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What are the pros
and cons of being an ER doctor?
Here's the first winning essay, submitted by
First of all, aside from possessing the skills necessary to survive medical
school, internship and residency, an ER doctor must be a notch above the rest in
intelligence, speed and accuracy. There is little margin for error in this
field of medicine. Taking this into consideration, one would assume that
an ER doctor would be held in the highest regard among both his fellow
physicians, the administrators of the hospital that are fortunate enough to have
him/her on staff, as well as the most important beneficiaries of his/her skills,
society. Unfortunately, this is not the case. Not only are other
specialists, who make far more money and work less hours, often ungrateful,
their sloppy excuse for medicine is quite often the root of the problem that
lands their patients into the ER. The administrators at the hospitals
often resent an ER doctor for actually wanting to practice medicine in an
effective, accurate and cost-effective manner. They impose such arbitrary
restrictions and rules, that even the most altruistic, good-natured physician
soon grows weary of and disenchanted with his chosen field. Lastly, the
very people who need the services of an ER doctor are oftentimes the same ones
who make his/her job vexing and unpalatable. An ER doctor has no problem
saving the life of a person; in fact, that's one of the few things that makes
his/her job bearable. It's the majority of the cases: the lawsuit-seeking
Medicaid recipient; the abusive patient; the bevy of nonemergent, nonsensical
complaints that he/she is barraged with; the endless unnecessary, time-consuming
expensive tests performed to rule out any serious conditions in potential
litigious situations; the dirt of society that views Emergency Rooms as flop
houses; just to name a few, that leads me to believe that choosing Emergency
Medicine is probably one of the most masochistic career choices one could make.
The pros of becoming an ER doctor are simple. One could discuss the higher
income levels associated with being an ER doc as a perk; however, the money
hardly seems commensurate with the duties of the job. If I were to define
the biggest "pro" it would directly involve the very essence of the
job. When else would one have the opportunity to literally save a life or bring
someone with many decades of living left back from an early grave? In the face
of tragedy, an ER doctor can change the course of another person's history.
One never knows when they will create a memory; an ER doctor leaves an indelible
memory in every patient's life that he or she touches. Like knowing where
you were when JFK was killed, any person (or the family that accompanied them)
who's been a patient in the Emergency Room will be able to tell you about the
doctor that saved their lives, or stitched them up, or mended their broken
bodies. It's a memory that will stay with someone forever. How nice
it is to choose a profession that makes an impact on lives each and every day.
It's one of the few careers that can truly be described as necessary and heroic.
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