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Discussing the specialty of emergency medicine, medical school, academic success, and unusual true Emergency Room stories.

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Question & Answer pages

For more Q & A, see my
www.er-doctor.com site

ER crossword puzzle

Interview with Dr. Pezzi


Test your knowledge of ER terms by solving my ER crossword puzzle that was featured in the Prudential Securities Healthcare Group 2002 calendar.  Or take the ER-MCAT to see if you have what it takes to be an ER physician.

My favorite ER memories

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My personal pages

Including my:
Medical Inventions page
Misc. Inventions page
Snowmobile page

Accelerometer page
Smart Seat page
"If I had a hammer" page
"Sheds I've Built" page
Dremel bit holders page

ER stuff
 ER stuff
A mold to make ER cookies and ER Jell-O!  Or how about a glow-in-the-dark chest x-ray?

My postings on ER forums

ER links

Bad news about Accutane

Amy's Corner

Amy reviews ER computer games

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Recent magazine interviews

Some of my other sites

Some of my web sites

www.ER-doctor.com Another site devoted to emergency medicine careers and academic success in general. You will be educated, entertained, and often surprised by a very candid doctor who never pulls a punch.

www.ERlove.com Emergency room cases primarily pertaining to love or lust; download free e-book

www.MySpamSponge.com Solve your spam problems, forever

www.ContactMeFree.com An indispensable tool for online dating

www.MyProfileWriter.com Create a dating profile essay and headline without writing

www.lose-weight-easily.net The easiest way in the world to lose weight

www.SexualTips.net Like sex? Want to make it much better?

www.Stop-Burglars.com A clever and inexpensive way to deter burglars and safeguard your family

www.garagescapes.com Organize your home & garage, beautifully

www.lighthouseshed.com Sheds shaped like lighthouses

www.loghomedoor.com Gorgeous hand-carved doors

www.make-a-favicon.com How to make, use, & understand favicons

www.I-deleted-this-site-not-enough-time-to-maintain-it.org A must-see site for lovers of wild animals

www.bwsyndrome.com Discusses the Beautiful Woman Syndrome

www.anonymust.com Send e-mail without revealing your e-mail address to help protect your privacy

www.balancebraces.com This site allows computer programmers to visually check that their code's braces (a.k.a., curly braces), parentheses, brackets, and tags are balanced.

www.keyword-list-tool.com A keyword list is a list of key words and phrases that can help your blog or web site attract more viewers. I developed this site to give people an easy way to create, rearrange, and analyze keyword lists while flagging common errors that could lower your search engine rankings.


Contact me via this page: www.MySpamSponge.com/send.php?handle=erdoc

MySpamSponge is a site I developed that anyone can use to block all of their spam, but never any legitimate messages. With MySpamSponge, you communicate using handles instead of e-mail addresses. A handle is essentially a contact code that gives people a way to contact you via e-mail without you having to reveal your e-mail address. Similarly, you can send a message by using the recipient’s handle as the address (mine is ERdoc). Smart people will quickly "get it" and realize that this could be the magic bullet that makes spam a thing of the past, but I wonder if the average Internet user can grasp a major innovation that didn't come from Microsoft or Google. We'll see.

By the way, since MySpamSponge is new, you can have almost any handle you want. First come, first served, so the bright "early adopters" will get the best handles.

Copyright © 1995 – 2011 by Kevin Pezzi, MD • Terms of use