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How to lose weight without dieting, drugs, herbs, exercise, or
Sound impossible? It's not.
order this book (or my other ones), see this page:
As a doctor, I am stunned that the weight loss
"experts" have overlooked this secret. In my book, I will tell you what it is, and
explain why it works. There is no magic involved — it's simple physiology and
physics. Furthermore, it is not unpleasant. In fact, it can be quite enjoyable.
Perhaps you're skeptical, and scoff at the notion that it is possible to lose
weight without dieting, drugs, herbs, exercise, or surgery. My response? We live
in a world in which scientific breakthroughs are common. People who resolutely
adhere to the old dogma are sometimes nominated for membership in the Flat Earth
Society. However, it is natural to question the validity of weight loss claims
because most weight loss "breakthroughs" are overhyped nonsense. This is
different. It works.
This information is explained in a short e-book in the Adobe Acrobat (.pdf)
format, which will display on any computer. If you don't have the free reader
software, you can
download it from Adobe's web site.
I don't blame you. Losing weight
without dieting, drugs, herbs, exercise, or surgery seems impossible and
just too good to be true. It is also natural to be especially wary
when you read such a claim on the Internet. Here is why you should
trust me:
- First, I graduated in the top 1% of my
class in medical school. I understand physiology quite well . . .
better than most other doctors, in fact. I also obtained perfect
grades in every physics class I took (as well as just about every other
class). Hence, I understand science, and I know that it is indeed
possible to lose weight without dieting, drugs, herbs, exercise, or
- Second, I am so confident that it is
possible to lose weight without dieting, drugs, herbs, exercise, or
surgery that I offer a 100% refund and a check for $1000
to anyone who can prove that my way does not work.
- The secret to losing weight without
dieting, drugs, herbs, exercise, or surgery
- The best weight loss tips that I've
- Understanding your enemy: food cravings
(and how to stop the cravings)
- Weight loss pitfalls
- Sleep and weight loss
- Spot reduction
Spot reduction is another one of those "too
good to be true" things that the so-called "experts" say is impossible.
For example, I heard Dr. Dean Edell discuss this on his radio show this
morning. In response to a caller asking whether spot reduction is
possible, Dr. Edell replied ". . . you cannot spot reduce. Because
if you could — here is something logical — think about right-handed tennis
players, and left-handed tennis players. If there were such a thing
as spot reduction, then a right-handed tennis player would have less fat
on their right arm than their left arm, and they don't. Exercising
your legs and your thighs — all these thigh scams — you would have thinner
thighs, no, of course not."
Dr. Edell is correct in saying that
exercising an area of the body does not selectively increase fat loss in
that area. However, his logic is flawed in suggesting that all
spot reduction is impossible just because one way to attempt it
does not work. Following Dr. Edell's logic, it should be impossible
to fly in any way since it is impossible to fly by jumping off a
cliff and flapping strap-on wings. Just because early attempts are
ludicrous failures does not mean that something is impossible. The world
is full of things that once seemed like a pipe dream, but are now
obviously possible. It is possible to spot reduce using the
methods presented in my book.
order this book (or my other ones), see this page:
This book is included free in
The Science of Sex,
so if you order that book,
don't order this one.
Buying my weight loss book won't cost you money, it will save you
money, because you get the following book free with every order:
Click for a larger image
Gas Saving Tips
That Can Save You
Hundreds of Dollars Per Year!
Includes tips found
only in this e-book. Even if you think you know how to save gas, you'll
learn new ways in Gas Saving Tips.
Once you purchase any version of
the book (e-book or printed), you are eligible for free lifetime upgrades to the
latest edition of the e-book. If you wish, I will automatically notify you
whenever a new edition is available.
If you have any questions, you can contact me by
clicking the link below:
Or go to the site
and enter this handle: doctor
MySpamSponge is a site I developed
that anyone can use to block all of their spam, but never any
legitimate messages. With MySpamSponge, you communicate using
handles instead of e-mail addresses. A handle is essentially a
contact code that gives people a way to contact you via e-mail
without you having to reveal your e-mail address. Similarly, you
can send a message by using the recipient's handle as the address
(mine is doctor).
In addition to blocking spam, MySpamSponge:
- helps protect your privacy.
- gives you a new way to
communicate via the Net.
- enables you to freely leave your
contact info anywhere without worrying about spammers.
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